Why is Batman part of my CultureQuest?

You’ll be seeing some articles about Batman and his world in the near future, and before it’s asked, I want to answer: “Why am I including the Batman in my quest to become more cultured?” The Goal of Culture quest Part of the answer lies in the mission statement of CultureQuest. It’s not my goal […]

RPG a Day 2020: Day 1 Beginning

This summer, the idea of “Beginnings” has been on my mind a lot. First, I’ve been starting a bunch of new things, recently. I finished on game and started a Council of Wyrms game, I’ll have a table on Wednesdays to restart our Gamestore’s playspace post-Quarantine starting soonish, and I also started a game for […]

Diltensar Rough Draft: Building a Campaign World From Scratch

If you’re not one of my four players for an upcoming game, then this won’t make much sense. If you ARE one of those four, then this might not make much sense. There’s been a lot of lore and mechanical creep since we talked about things. I started building the mechanics system based on the […]

Culture Quest: American Wolf by Nate Blakeslee

This is an odd book to write about, as this wasn’t on the Big List. For school, I wrote a paper on the reintroduction to wolves in Colorado, and I saw a reference to this book. Recently infatuated with my local library (See: Culture Quest) I placed an order without learning anything else about it. […]

Why I can’t run Theros: The Buy-in Scale

You never run out of white whales. It’s a fact in life. As a chaser of whales, I’m not confident in saying you’ll never catch them, because that’s something I literally cannot believe about this metaphor. I am incapable of that. And now we make a hard pivot to talk about gaming. There are some […]