Diltensar Rough Draft: Building a Campaign World From Scratch

If you’re not one of my four players for an upcoming game, then this won’t make much sense. If you ARE one of those four, then this might not make much sense. There’s been a lot of lore and mechanical creep since we talked about things. I started building the mechanics system based on the […]

Culture Quest: On the Essays of Montaigne

When I got my first set of books from the library, the Complete Essays of Michel de Montaigne caught my eye, mainly because if it had any more pages, it’d be classified as a ball, not a book. This thing is huge. So I started reading a bit every night, thinking to just jump on […]

Campaign Framework: How to Run a Monster Hunt

Monster hunting seems like it should be a core part of D&D. They have monsters a-plenty, PCs are accustomed to doing things for money, it should just work, right? Well, it should. And it can. But I haven’t been able to find anything in my books that describes the process. I’m sure various adventures have […]